一个简单、时尚, 独立、 高性能、 低调奢华的操作提示.
切换CSS即可生效, 并以JS动画退出. 支持移动设备.
humane.log("Welcome Back")
humane.log("Record 392 has been updated")
humane.log("Callback when finished", function(){ document.body.style.backgroundColor="#a66000" })
humane.log("Options can be passed", { timeout: 4000, clickToClose: true, addnCls: 'humane-error' })
Options can be specified in a variety of ways. Either by the entire instance as shown below, or per notification, as shown above:
humane.timeout = 5000 // default: 2500
Sets the delay before a message fades out (set to 0 for no timeout).
humane.waitForMove = true // default: false
Wait for mouse, keyboard, or touch action to be taken before clearing message (after timeout)
humane.clickToClose = true // default: false
Click or touch the notification to close
humane.timeoutAfterMove = 2000 // default: 0
Delay before notification disappears (useful in conjunction with waitForMove)
humane.addnCls = 'humane-info' // default: ''
Specify an additional class to apply when notifying (nice when you only want to change just a little bit of the style)
创建一个完整的人性化实例用 humane.create().
var notify = humane.create({ timeout: 4000, baseCls: 'humane-bigbox' }) notify.log('Custom Notifier')
There are a options that can also be applied when creating an instance:
humane.baseCls = 'humane' // default: 'humane'
Specify an base class
用 humane.spawn() 创建自定义提示.
humane.info = humane.spawn({ addnCls: 'humane-libnotify-info', timeout: 1000 }) humane.info('Info Themed Notifier')
humane.error = humane.spawn({ addnCls: 'humane-libnotify-error', timeout: 1000 }) humane.error('Error Themed Notifier')
humane.remove(function(){ alert('removed') })
Force remove current notification, takes an optional callback fired when finished (note each instance has its own remove)
With all this power, you are bound to go CRAZY! Click the sample below to go crazy:
var bigbox = humane.create({baseCls: 'humane-bigbox', timeout: 1000}) bigbox.error = bigbox.spawn({addnCls: 'humane-bigbox-error'}) bigbox.log('Oh!').error('No!') var libnotify = humane.create({baseCls: 'humane-libnotify', addnCls: 'humane-libnotify-info'}) libnotify.log('Notified') var jacked = humane.create({baseCls: 'humane-jackedup', addnCls: 'humane-jackedup-success'}) jacked.log("What's up here!")